so the most rad thing today, or really the only rad thing, is i discovered that the piano at the johnson's is a player piano. so i can listen to fur elise, and the few songs that are programmed in like i'm in a department store and it's christmastime.
aside from that, think about this sticker-grafitti. what are they thinking? they think stickers of ronald reagan are secretly subversive the way andre the giant was? first off, come up with a new idea, but does the person who did them know there is a whole foundation formed just to get things named after ronald and that in the end it's anti subversive?

what i would like to think is that an 8 year old saw someone's late night grafitti and made it into a hopskotch, but i suspect the late night graphitti maker and the hopskotch maker were the same person.

i love trying to trick people into jesus in the same way they try and trick people into LIVE GIRLS shows.
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