So tonight I had a fantastic New York moment.
I took the F train uptown to see the Sleepwalkers show at the MoMA. Tonight was the last night and so, as is my MO, I had to catch it at the last possible moment.

The exit on 50th at Rockefeller center was closed, and I told a woman, Chinese I think but reminded me of Delphine anyway.

When I got to 53, there were tons of people, leaning on the building and on the New York Public Library across the street. My friend from the subway was one of them. (Delphine would have been there. Maybe that's why she reminded me.)

The video was actually really good. At first mundane, Fight Club like, repetition of boring life, but the repetition through several different characters (played by Tilda Swinton, Donald Sutherland, Chan Marshall and other very watchable types) actually hits home after a while.

But the best part was watching all the watchers watching.

Even cooler and New Yorkyier, when a woman and friend walked up and stood next to me, it was Ellen Barkin, there like the rest of us, to see the sleepwalkers.
this makes me wish i still did more New York things.
but still, after this, i am back at the penthouse with the kitty, watching tv on itunes.

i look like little red riding hood in that cape.
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