a whole week after i returned from paris, i'm almost back on my feet. 3 doctors, no answers, a lot of drugs, none of which seem to be doing anything for me, and some emergenC and i'm feeling a whole 30% better than i was last week
none of the doctors cared to listen to me. they kept insisting i stuck a q-tip in my ear, not that my eardrums popped, but surely i am right and they are not, or one of their many tres expensive drugs would be working. the bonus, of course, is that i can't hear the horrible people snapping their gum as much as usual.
to celebrate, i went out and walked around soho and looked to see if any of the space invaders remained, but all i found were the remenants of a space invader next to the prince st. subway stop and some black clothes (black is the new black.)

but then, if i wear all black, will i look like the rest of the boring uninspired new yorkers and parisians? alls i can think is i might not hate winter so much if i didn't have to wear that big puffy coat all the time.
who knows.
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